Friday, December 9, 2011

Geek Girl is Released

Today is the official release date for Geek Girl! Many of you know it's been available in a few places for a few weeks now, but as of today it's official. Here's where you can get it online:

Amazon (Paperback)
Amazon (Kindle)
Barnes & Noble (Paperback)
Cedar Fort (Paperback & Ebook)
My Website (Signed Paperback)

You can purchase it at Costco (SL and WVC stores) for the reduced price of $9.99
It's also at several of the Barnes & Noble bookstores

If you can't find it at your local book retailer, just ask! They can order it in for you.

Debra Chapoton, my friend and fellow author, hosts me for an interview on her blog today, Edge of Escape, in celebration of the release of Geek Girl. Thanks to Debbie for that!

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